Tuesday, May 6, 2014

This Wasn't in the Plan

It is with terribly mixed feelings that I report on status today. (This is Tom.) As I write this, I am sitting in the Front Royal, VA library - a very nice facility. Anne is driving up here to pick me up. Somehow I developed a horrendous blister on the heel of my right foot hiking to the Terrapin Station hostel last night. I had been somewhat successful dealing with toe blisters, which have presented a fairly continuous battle, but this was different. I popped and treated the huge blister last night, but it continued to throb during the night, keeping me from getting any reasonable sleep. When I got up this morning and showed it to some of my fellow hikers they said that was the worst one they had seen. Blazer: "Can I get a picture of that?" Nails: "Oh my... you are really going to have to be careful with that one!" I popped it again this morning, put neosporin and a non-adhesive sterile pad on it, then covered it with Hypafix. I went into town with the rest of the hikers to resupply, thinking I would then test that foot with a short hike today. But trying to get the hiking boot on was out of the question.

I am going to take a week or so off to heal, reflect on anything I might do differently with regard to boots/shoes, and think about ways to reduce pack weight a little, since we are now into the warmer weather. So a part of me feels like I have failed and wonders why I haven't been able to keep healthy like many of the other hikers out there. It is very discouraging. On the other hand, here is the positive side... I am very excited about being able to spend some time with Anne and young son Kevin over Mother's Day and Anne's birthday (May 12th). When we first discussed this hike we talked about my taking some time off during this part of the calendar... and for some reason decided against it. I am now convinced that it is going to be a very good thing overall.

I had mentioned in an earlier post that Solomon had agreed to replace my boots, and that I went to 1/2 size larger. I am convinced that I needed that space in the toe box, because my feet have probably grown or swollen during the hike thus far. However, in addition to going up a half size I also left my Superfeet insole out. I think I may have created too much space around the heel and left out the firmer protection that the Superfeet insole provides. Anyway, I am going to get some expert advice and decide on the best move. Most of the other hikers have switched from a boot to a trail shoe since the weather is warming up. The trail shoes usually create less of a blister situation, but don't offer the ankle protection and don't hold up to the wear and tear of the Pennsylvania rocks that I will be seeing in the second half of that state's portion of the trail. I have a weak left ankle from a basketball injury I had years ago. Hmmm... a lot to consider.

Aargh... I was only about three good days of hiking from Harper's Ferry, WV. But, I am looking forward to some healing time and some family time. What a trooper Anne is to jump in the car and come rescue me. Hey folks, don't give up on me... I'm going to finish this thing. Frazee kids and staff, let me know if you'd like me to come out one afternoon and give you a bit of a status report thus far and answer any questions before I get back on the trail. I may post a picture of the blister when I get back, although Anne says she doesn't wnat to see it. What do you all think?


  1. Enjoy your time at home for Mother's Day...the trail isn't going anywhere...and when you get back you will be almost to the half point at Harper's Ferry which you need to spend a little time at soaking in the history of that place...and it is a yes on the blister...

  2. Hike your own hike Tom! We are uber-proud of you here in SC! And keep your superfeet in! They are amazing! Try the carbons if you werected using the greens and needed more space...they are lighter too. Good luck, we are rooting for you!
