Friday, June 27, 2014

Two rattlesnakes in one day sighted followed by a great breakfast today

snake is just in front of downed tree

       Wow...after talking about rattlesnakes with Stephanie just yesterday Tom saw two in one day. These snakes actually coiled and rattled upon Tom's approach and he waited for them to move on before he continued.  These are Timber Rattlesnakes and the following information is from the DCNR brochure. 
The largest populations of timber rattlesnakes occur in remote, heavily forested regions of Pennsylvania which means they often call state forests home. These amazing creatures are frequently misunderstood and feared. The truth is that they just want to be left in peace, are a beneficial part of the ecosystem and without them some of the wild character of our forests would be lost.

3 C's in Port Clinton

Then this morning Tom enjoyed an omelet with pancakes at this restaurant in Port Clinton. He says it was worth the extra 20 minutes to walk to the far side of town. Established in 1974, 3C's scenic view borders the Little Schuylkill River, and is known as the "Thru-Hikers" favorite spot and areas "best breakfast" from "Maine to Georgia." 

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