We woke early to eat a hearty breakfast before dropping him off this morning right here. He had a good rest that was much needed the last day and a half. It was very interesting to join other hikers in the lodge by the fireplace and see the tight hiker community that is forming as they share their experiences.
We were saddened to hear the "Chainsaw" took a fall on his decent near Nantahala Outdoor Center and broke his foot so his AT hiking experience is over for now. It reminded everyone that all the preplanning cannot prevent an occurrence like that.
The hikers also all commented on the sketchy phone and wireless coverage that had been available to that point. They have been told in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park coverage is even less available so we have decided to change the idea that Tom would be able to write the blog postings. Instead I will write the blog postings after speaking to him by phone and he will send current photos as he is able which I can insert.
The next several days look to be dial up perfect as far as weather conditions

He has completed 162 miles of the journey so far and the next civilization
he will encounter will be in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
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